Comforting Thoughts

Looking back on my life I realize that I have had many wonderful guides and teachers. The greatest teacher of all has been that energy that creates life itself. I can remember playing and learning from this energy. Its messages and understanding imparted to me by filtering down great understandings. Occasionally I interacted with those who swirled around with me and spun around until dizzy and collapsing on the ground and watching the clouds spinning above in the sky. I remember listening to the quiet sounds of the earth and the words on the wind softly blowing its reassurance and understanding that it was all one and the same thing and I was too.
I had truly loving parents who raised me but sadly were not in my life very long. I traveled a lot as a small child and this left me shy and quiet. I remember my Mom as quiet and steady. She instilled that sense of moving through life in an orderly way. My Dad had profound lessons to teach me. Life was not always as it seemed and the most important was you can love those who are not your own and the fact that we live forever and not to be afraid of death. Everywhere I went I had to break new ground. But I learned that life offered friendship everywhere I went. It showed me that I was not alone. The parents of my dearest friend took care of me until I graduated from high school. This whole family and I do mean large family, took me in and loved me like their own children. This included the children. I learned so much about love from them. It was so big and expansive. They and their lessons mean the world to me.
I grew up going to church and searching through church doctrines but never feeling a need to connect totally with a church because of my earlier understanding and that feeling that I was always a part of a grand energy. I went through the standards. Baptism, Confirmation, Marriage, etc., but many of the churches I frequented couldn’t reach that freedom of my childhood. Many lessons seemed to contradict what appeared to be truth as I understood it. It was okay, but kind of like tasting non-fat milk ice cream after you have tasted real ice cream. Not quite there. The ones that came closest to my understanding were perhaps Buddhism and Hinduism. But yet I know that I am Christian and Jesus is my elder brother. Can I accept this as my way of life? Yes I can. Life has taught me that all religions are different expressions of the same. This understanding of “everything is one” has been an important marker post for me to follow, to accept and love everyone no matter how different they may be. We are all one and the same. That is very comforting to me.
Namaste, Patti

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