Lord, I am thine.

For many years now I have often sung a meditation song that helps to prepare me for meditation and contemplation on the answers to the source of all life. In a special service a blessing was given. “I am thine, and thou art mine.” Upon hearing those words they went straight to my heart. They vibrated through me in such a way that I knew they were very sacred to me.

I have had many wonderful teachers, from the Earth, to my parents, to the mother of a dear friend, to my spiritual teacher and friend, to my children. I bow to them all and know they are the same as I am and we are all one and the same.

Recently I began to hear something new. “I am thee, and thou art me.” It couldn’t get any clearer than that.
Many blessings to the Earth and her peoples. May we all wake up to the joy of knowing who we are and who the Earth is to us as well. We are all one and the same.

In truth, love, and light. Namaste

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